How much more is an advanced degree worth?
The premium earned by Americans with advanced degrees (Guy Berger, Ph.D.) – How much more does an advanced degree pay out? It’s the lowest premium since 2000.
The premium earned by Americans with advanced degrees (Guy Berger, Ph.D.) – How much more does an advanced degree pay out? It’s the lowest premium since 2000.
Low-Wage Workers as Percent of the Workforce, by State (Visual Capitalist) – For the past 15 years, the federal minimum wage has remained unchanged, with its real value now at its lowest point in 67 years.
Hundreds of millions in new funding opportunities for skills training have been announced in recent days.
Mary Meeker, famous for her annual Internet Trends reports, has published a new report calling for the tech industry, government, and higher education to work together to advance AI during an inflection point “of epic proportions.”
Join leading from UTSA, NJIT and UC Santa Barbara for a live brainstorming and think tank-style session, to discuss the AI-enhanced campus of the future.
Burning Glass looked at major employers and ranks them by % share of payroll working in occupations likely to be disrupted by AI. The results are eye-opening, especially for the Financial Services industry.