The United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal 7 (SDG 7) focuses on ensuring access to affordable, reliable, and modern energy services for all by 2030. This goal aims to substantially increase the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix, double the global rate of improvement in energy efficiency, enhance international cooperation to promote clean energy research and technology, and encourage investment in energy infrastructure and clean energy technology. Additionally, SDG 7 calls for the expansion and upgrade of energy infrastructure and technology to provide modern and sustainable energy services in developing countries, particularly in least developed countries, small island developing States, and landlocked developing countries, in alignment with their support programs.

Ensuring access to affordable, reliable and clean energy

Securing affordable and clean energy poses significant challenges. A heavy reliance on fossil fuels remains deeply ingrained, contributing to environmental degradation and climate change. Access to advanced clean energy technologies is limited in many regions, hindering the transition to sustainable sources. Additionally, the affordability of renewable energy infrastructure can be a barrier for individuals and communities. To overcome these hurdles, there’s a need to shift away from fossil fuels through policy incentives, promote research and development in clean energy technologies, and make investments in renewable energy infrastructure more accessible and cost-effective for everyone.

Below are some organizations making contributions to affordable and clean energy.

Access to Clean Energy in Underserved Communities

GivePower – Installs solar energy systems in rural and off-grid communities around the world, providing access to electricity and improving livelihoods.

SunShares – Develops community solar projects that allow individuals to invest in and benefit from solar energy, democratizing access to clean energy in low-income communities.

Advanced Energy Technologies and Innovation

Form Energy – Develops long-duration energy storage systems using iron-air batteries, addressing the challenge of intermittency in renewable energy sources.

SolidEnergy Systems – Creates lithium-metal batteries with higher energy density and safety, potentially revolutionizing electric vehicle technology and energy storage.

Advocacy and Policy Change

REN21 – Provides data and analysis on renewable energy trends globally, informing policy decisions and promoting sustainable energy development.

Climate Action Tracker – Tracks progress towards global climate goals, including the Paris Agreement, and advocates for ambitious action on climate change and energy transition.

The World Resources Institute – Conducts research and analysis on global challenges, including energy and climate change, and provides evidence-based solutions for sustainable energy development.

Rocky Mountain Institute – Conducts research and advocacy to promote clean energy solutions, informing policy and driving market transformation towards a sustainable energy future.

Clean Air Task Force – Advocates for policies that reduce air pollution and promote clean energy technologies, working to address climate change and improve public health.

Clean Cooking and Fuels

One Earth – Develops and distributes clean cookstoves and fuels to households in developing countries, reducing indoor air pollution and deforestation.

BioLite – Creates portable and affordable solar lamps and cookstoves, providing clean energy solutions for off-grid communities and emergency situations.

Energy Efficiency and Smart Grids

GridBeyond – Provides AI-powered energy management solutions for businesses and utilities, optimizing energy use and promoting grid stability.

BBOXX – Provides solar-powered mini-grids and appliances to communities in Africa and Asia, offering clean and reliable energy access while promoting energy efficiency.

Chakratec – Develops smart meters and energy management solutions for buildings, enabling energy optimization and cost savings.

Renewable Energy Generation and Distribution

M-Kopa Solar – Provides affordable solar lighting and energy systems to off-grid communities in Africa, offering clean energy access and improving livelihoods.

SunCulture – Offers solar-powered water pumps and irrigation systems to farmers, increasing agricultural productivity and efficiency while reducing reliance on fossil fuels.

Envirofit – Develops and distributes affordable biogas systems for rural households, providing clean energy for cooking and lighting while reducing reliance on firewood and deforestation.

Bloom Energy – Manufactures solid oxide fuel cells that generate clean electricity from various fuels, offering a decentralized and emission-free energy solution.

Sustainable Transportation

Ample – Offers electric vehicle charging solutions for businesses and homeowners, accelerating the transition to electric mobility and reducing carbon emissions.

Zeelo – Provides electric buses for school transportation, offering a clean and efficient alternative to traditional diesel buses in African cities.

SolarTaxi – Operates a fleet of electric taxis powered by solar energy, providing sustainable and emission-free transportation options.


United Nations Sustainable Development Goal #7 (Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all) is part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Read a review of innovative organizations working across other SDGs.

Mission Flywheel

Mission Flywheel is a consultancy and fractional CRO practice, focused on helping social enterprises prove their impact with measurable outcomes.


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